Work @Mercedes-Benz AG
Intern & Working Student
Digital Design, 2020/21
Pen & Paper, Sketch, Adobe CC
UI Design, Artworks, App Prototyping & Animation, collaboration with interdisciplinary teams
UI Design
Part of my role involved working on the UI of mobile apps. Based on user requirements, I adapted different screens and created new screens for new functions. As seen in the example graphic, my responsibility was also creating different variants and discussing and evaluating them with the team in the following step.

Another area of responsibility was to create in-app animations.
The Adobe CC tools Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects were used for this.
Besides the UI design, the creation of video prototypes was also part of the area of responsibility. The aim was to show user flows and visualise transitions of elements in the app.

Video Prototype

Artwork was created for app elements. For this, mainly existing graphics were edited. The example shows artwork in which various logos of music streaming providers were added as graffiti to an originally blank wall.
Key Learnings
#Work in an interdisciplinary team
#Work with constrains in time and resources
#Argue design decisions in an interdisciplinary team
#Work remotely
#Document task process for team members